Thanks for your interest in EasyReader development services. If you work for a talking book library or you're an assistive technology developer, there's an EasyReader service to help fulfil the needs of your organisation and clients.

Complete the contact form  

Use this form to provide your contact details and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements and how EasyReader can work for your organisation.  


Powered by EasyReader for Talking Book Libraries

The Dolphin team will get in touch with you by phone or email to provide you with further information and discuss your requirements for a library app Powered by EasyReader.


EasyReader Dev Kit for Assistive Technology Providers

The Dolphin team will get in touch with you by phone or email to provide you with further information and discuss your requirements for the EasyReader Development Kit.  

If you have any queries in the meantime, you are welcome to call our sales team on 01905 754 577 or email